How to Use This Hypertext

A Caveat

I've chosen to use frames because of the effect frames have on the boundaries of a work. What you'll notice throughout this piece is that when you jump to other sites from links I've provided, you haven't really left this work at all. The Links sidebar and the title remain visible. The boundary between my work and the work of others becomes difficult to discern.

Blurring the boundaries between works is the reason for the frames and illustrates an important point about hypertext on the World Wide Web. I'll discuss this idea formally throughout the work, especially when considering the World Wide Web and texts. If you are not using a frames compatible browser, you will still be able to view the work, but the boundary between this piece and others to which it is linked will be more distinct.

Navigation Tips

I do provide suggestions, in the way of arrows, on the way I would navigate through this piece. They are only suggestions, however, and I encourage you to jump about in the piece as you see fit. Take chances. Follow links that look interesting to you and don't worry about making sure you've read everything. The point of this piece is to let you decide what you want to read and in what order to do so.

However, should you choose to follow my line, here are some tips: In many nodes I do provide other links that go in multiple directions. And, of course, you can always use the links in the sidebar or at the bottom to go to areas that interest you.

So to get started use the links in the sidebar or click the arrow to go to the node I think is a good place to start.

Places to Start

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